Successful Growth & Health

Product detail

Micronutrients & Soil Conditioners

Krishi Rakshak (Zincated Single Super Phosphate)

Product Description

Krishi Rakshak is a fortified Single Super Phosphate (SSP) fertilizer enriched with Zinc to support optimal plant growth and productivity. It provides essential Phosphorus (P) for root development and Zinc (Zn) for chlorophyll production and enzyme activation. This fertilizer ensures balanced nutrition, preventing phosphorus and zinc deficiencies that can lead to stunted growth and leaf discoloration (chlorosis). It enhances nutrient absorption, strengthens root systems, and boosts crop yield.

✅ Supplies essential Phosphorus and Zinc for healthy plant growth
✅ Prevents chlorosis and stunted growth caused by Zinc deficiency
✅ Enhances root development, flowering, and fruit formation
✅ Increases nutrient absorption efficiency
✅ Boosts crop yield and overall health

Suitable Crops:

Krishi Rakshak is recommended for a variety of crops, including: Cereals & Pulses: Wheat, Rice, Maize, Bajra, Gram, Lentils Oilseeds: Mustard, Soybean, Groundnut Vegetables: Tomato, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Spinach Fruits: Mango, Banana, Citrus, Guava, Pomegranate Cash Crops: Sugarcane, Cotton

Recommended Dosage:

Sugarcane: 250-300 kg
Millets (Bajra, Jowar): 150-125 kg
Wheat & Other Grains: 150-200 kg
Soybean: 150-200 kg

Application Method:

Basal Application: Apply Krishi Rakshak before sowing or planting by mixing it into the soil during land preparation.
Broadcasting: Evenly distribute over the field and incorporate into the soil for effective nutrient uptake.
Side Dressing: For standing crops, apply around the root zone to enhance nutrient absorption.

Trusted name in chemical & fertilizers!



Working Hours


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00

